
Stonewall Democrats of Pinellas County is devoted to advancing equal rights for all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. As a Democratic organization, SDPC will work with the Democratic Party and support fair-minded Democratic leaders and candidates who support our mission. Our organization’s strength comes from Pinellas County lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT), and allied Democrats working together to achieve the following goals:

Stimulating active interest in political and governmental affairs among the LGBT community and our allies.

Educating the LGBT community about issues that directly affect the quality of our lives. In addition, we want to educate the gay community and our allies about the vast differences between the two major parties on issues of concern to the LGBT community.

Supporting and participating in Democratic Party activities and working within the Party to help strengthen its record on issues important to the LGBT community – including standing against bigotry and intolerance, and advancing the prominence of openly LGBT people within the Democratic Party.

Supporting and electing Democratic candidates and Party nominees who are committed to defeating homophobia and prejudice at the local, state and national levels.

Electing qualified openly LGBT people to public office, and as convention delegates, and to achieve appointments of openly LGBT people to city and county boards and commissions in Pinellas County.

Registering voters who support the mission of our organization and encouraging their participation in the electoral process.

Achieving diversity in our Chapter’s membership and its governing bodies.

Providing support to the National Stonewall Democrats, the Florida GLBT Democratic Caucus, and to the Pinellas County Democratic Executive Committee.